26.05.2017: (W)E-Democracy – thinking day about digital commons, Brussels


The Green European Foundation (GEF) invites to its European Thinking Day, where issues around the digital commons, citizen rights and digital participation in our changing societies will be discussed.

Our digitising society forms a fertile breeding ground for citizens to get organised in innovative ways, and gain more power to influence and even co-create policy decisions that affect their lives. Digital initiatives like online knowledge centres and participation platforms are popping up all over Europe. What is the potential of these technologies to transform and rethink democracy? What are the threats? And how can local governments anticipate to this growing tendency?

Date: Friday, 26 May 2017
Time: 13-17h (a closing drink is foreseen from 16h45 onwards)
Venue: L42, Rue de la Loi 42, 1040 Bruxelles
